Draw samples from the empirical Bayes posterior predictive distribution derived from unmarked models or ranef objects

# S4 method for class 'unmarkedRanef'
posteriorSamples(object, nsims=100, ...)
# S4 method for class 'unmarkedFit'
posteriorSamples(object, nsims=100, ...)



An object inheriting class unmarkedRanef or unmarkedFit


Number of draws to make from the posterior predictive distribution


Other arguments


unmarkedPostSamples object containing the draws from the posterior predictive distribution. The draws are in the @samples slot.


Ken Kellner contact@kenkellner.com

See also


# Simulate data under N-mixture model
R <- 20
J <- 5
N <- rpois(R, 10)
y <- matrix(NA, R, J)
y[] <- rbinom(R*J, N, 0.5)

# Fit model
umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=y)
fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, umf, K=50)

# Estimates of conditional abundance distribution at each site
(re <- ranef(fm))
#>            Mean Mode 2.5% 97.5%
#>  [1,]  5.456813    5    4     8
#>  [2,] 12.263316   12   10    15
#>  [3,] 11.974866   12   10    15
#>  [4,] 12.512518   12   10    15
#>  [5,]  7.515203    7    6    10
#>  [6,]  6.910344    7    5     9
#>  [7,] 11.772003   12   10    14
#>  [8,] 11.590102   11    9    14
#>  [9,] 11.957508   12   10    15
#> [10,]  5.239116    5    4     7
#> [11,] 12.811799   13   10    16
#> [12,]  6.871755    7    5     9
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 8 rows ]

#Draw from the posterior predictive distribution
(ppd <- posteriorSamples(re, nsims=100))
#> , , 1
#>       [,1]
#>  [1,]    8
#>  [2,]   12
#>  [3,]   11
#>  [4,]   15
#>  [5,]    7
#>  [6,]    6
#>  [7,]   11
#>  [8,]   11
#>  [9,]   13
#> [10,]    5
#> [11,]   13
#> [12,]    7
#> [13,]   11
#> [14,]   13
#> [15,]    8
#> [16,]    9
#> [17,]    7
#> [18,]    7
#> [19,]   11
#> [20,]   12
#> , , 2
#>       [,1]
#>  [1,]    4
#>  [2,]   10
#>  [3,]   12
#>  [4,]   11
#>  [5,]    9
#>  [6,]    5
#>  [7,]   10
#>  [8,]   10
#>  [9,]   11
#> [10,]    6
#> [11,]   11
#> [12,]    7
#> [13,]   10
#> [14,]   14
#> [15,]    4
#> [16,]   10
#> [17,]    9
#> [18,]    7
#> [19,]   11
#> [20,]   12
#> , , 3
#>       [,1]
#>  [1,]    4
#>  [2,]   11
#>  [3,]   10
#>  [4,]   11
#>  [5,]    6
#>  [6,]    7
#>  [7,]   10
#>  [8,]   10
#>  [9,]   11
#> [10,]    5
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 10 row(s) and 97 matrix slice(s) ]